Сами: аренда спецтехники

by Олег Сергеевич Бел&#1086...



The Sami mobile application is a free platform that helps the Customer to simplify the search for special equipment, and the Contractor to see orders nearby on the map. It helps to combine existing small and remote orders into one most profitable one. It helps to think over the route of movement of special equipment and save fuel and time, which means earn money!• Are you a customer or contractor? Let me know by clicking on the appropriate button. Create a personal profile to be able to create and open map pins.• The map displays only current offers from performers and applications from customers. If there are no suitable tags, then you can create your own, by which your offer will be seen.• Phone numbers of customers or performers can be seen by clicking on the tag of interest. Discuss the details yourself, specify the time, negotiate prices.• Note to customers: do not forget to delete the order from the card after you have agreed with the contractor.• Note to contractors: remind the customer to remove the order from the card after you have agreed.